Should I play Thunderball and be happy with £500.000 or should I try Euromillions in the hope I may win the big jackpot
My dear friends I have noticed a magical connection between the Square of the Sun and the Thunderball
Out curiosity I checked the winning numbers of last
Wed 20 Apr 2011 33 19 39 17 27 (06)
and the previous ones
Sat 16 Apr 2011 37 28 12 24 39 (09)
just to see if there is any connection with
the square of the Sun, and I had quite a surprise
We find 37 in the square of Sun 37 is given by 33+4 =37 and by 3+34=37
In the square of the Sun we find 33+4 in diagonal on the left and we find
the first winning number 39 given by 29+10 and also direct on top we find
10+9=19 the second winning number
Then there is number 28 and on the left next to 28 we find another winning number
27, and to double confirm the number 27 on the very top of the square of the sun we
find 34 +the next number 3 =37 and just beneath there is 27,
Next previous winning number 12 on top diagonal we find number 17, it's there undeniable!
Number 12 is an element figure 2+1=3 the number could
have easily been also 13 or 31 31+2= 33 and 3=3= 6
But lets not forget that 33 is also given from number 39 formed by 29+10 and
underneath 10 there is 33, means sure CONFIRM the number 33 would have been in
the drawn number LAST NUMBER TO test 39 given by the second number on the top left
In the square of the Sun there is 32 and in diagonal 7 here 32+7= 39 in between
those 2 numbers there is number 6 the Thunderball.
I hope my friends my explanations have been clear since I am Swedish-French and
my English is not excellent.But please look at the square of the SUN experiment and
if you have enough money play some wheeling system with the numbers you find in it.
God bless all of you